Monday, November 18, 2013

[Grand]Mother Knows Best

I recently took up cooking. I know, at this age it's not really a hobby and more of a "yea, duh, you're an adult now; and this is a basic survival skill," but, honestly, I think the ability to get dinner out of an unsuspecting suitor and seamlessly slip away into the night before he has a clue but he definitely has the check is a pretty necessary skill to have, but I digress.

Like any novice cook, I have a ton of questions [for example, I called my mom from the grocery store because I didn't know what scallions are]. One of those questions really stems from an observation:

You ever notice how your mother will suggest one way to prepare a meal [, a career, a life, a man, a family, and the list goes on] and your grandmother will suggest a completely different way of preparing the same meal [, career, life, man, family, etc.]?

So whose wisdom do you heed? Who got it right and who got it...mmmm, not so right?
Funny how women will spend a lifetime nurturing a child only to have her grow up to declare, ever so boldly, "f*ck pot roast, we're doing Tof-erkey for dinner!" and other variations of rebellion [in career choices, life choices, "man? pffft, who needs one?!", etc.]

It's always interesting to find out who knows best. Who knows, right?

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