Friday, December 27, 2013


"I just don't want to see you in the same position when I met you a year ago." Opening with a heavy sigh, he delivered- by far- the most accurate, poignant, thought-with-action provoking request I've ever received. 

For those of you who are new to this blog
(greetings and welcomes abound!),
a year ago, when I met this fast-formed and true friend,
I was in very much what would be considered a pit
in the overall ups and downs of life. The equivalent of
publically walking enchained and chaperoned by my captor,
I was living a night terror with no sound escaping
my lips and seemingly no way to wake.

So, Quinto had a point. What's the point of following a storyline only to come to the sad and disappointing realization that this story line will eventually flat-line?   There will be no great coming-of-age discovery, no grand self-proclamation, realization, affirmation, or even a blip on some life radar.

This cryptic mess of an entry is to say that I am tired of being a 2 dimensional character in my own story. Very much time for a turner point, wouldn't you all agree?

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