Friday, August 3, 2012

Your girlfriend is a whore.

So for this one, it is addressed to someone(s) specific, and I don't care if you're miserable with that psycho whore.

You appeared very certain she was a better choice when you demolished whatever sense of worth, dignity, and value I had as a lover and partner. 

She's three types of crazy all wrapped into one b*tch? Awesome. Good catch, old boy!

Why not go the full Monty, man up, and marry the broad? (But, oh for the love of all that is sacred, please don't procreate with the succubus. No world, no matter how chaotic and disjointed it may be, deserves more than one of her in existence.)   

And when you wake up confused in the ER surrounded by family members and loved ones, as you lay in that hospital bed with the stab wound to your side because she saw you looking at that other chick early today and won't fall for that "she's my younger sister?! I met you through her!" excuse again, I will only be there to say "I told you so" and console your mother because, let's face it, she loves me more than you sometimes.


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